Juniper Networks’ Solutions for Patient-Centered Healthcare

Juniper Networks’ Solutions for Patient-Centered Healthcare

The healthcare technology market is booming, estimated at USD 80 billion and growing at 15% annually. Juniper Networks offers smart, scalable solutions for the healthcare networking environment. These address connectivity, communication and security issues for medical professionals while minimizing cost and complexity. Discover innovative solutions for patient-centered care in our blogpost!


What do healthcare providers love?

Healthcare providers appreciate Juniper Networks’ innovative healthcare solutions. The enhanced connectivity and secure access to information within the campus contribute to better patient outcomes. Integrated Wi-Fi, IoT and BLE provide accurate location services, improve navigation and increase patient and staff safety.

In addition, the solutions reduce support burden with AI-driven insights, resulting in faster resolution of network issues and a reduction in average repair time. Deployment and configuration are accelerated with minimal manual intervention and fewer physical site visits.

On the security front, Juniper Networks offers built-in Zero-trust security to keep patient data safe. Protected connectivity and pad selection prevent information leaks, while botnet and ransomware attacks are proactively detected and stopped. This comprehensive approach makes Juniper Networks a preferred choice for healthcare providers.


Why this is of interest to partners

In the world of patient-centric healthcare, Juniper Networks is the ideal partner for growing opportunities. With rising demand for better connectivity, where 52% of CIOs see patient engagement as a top priority and 80% of healthcare providers are increasing their IT spending, Juniper offers innovative solutions.

Deal registration protects pre-sales investments, while Juniper provides specific answers to the challenges of overburdened IT teams, such as network upgrades, medical device vulnerabilities and high costs in unplanned downtime. With efficient solutions and strategic advantages, Juniper Networks supports partners in the rapidly changing healthcare landscape.


How do you identify prospects?

Healthcare extends beyond just hospitals; it includes clinics, long-term care facilities and remote laboratories. Juniper Networks understands the unique needs of different provider groups and offers experience-based networks that meet these requirements. Healthcare providers, working in various medical facilities, seek fast, reliable and secure connectivity to reduce costs.

Payers, such as insurers and pension funds, need reliable connections to colleagues, healthcare providers and patients. Life science organizations, including pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device manufacturers, rely on Juniper’s reliable and secure connections to collaborate and get their products and services to market quickly.


Wondering how Juniper Networks can improve your security?

This datasheet contains all the information on how Juniper Connected Security protects users, data and infrastructure by extending security to every connection point, from client to cloud, in your customers’ networks.

Still have questions?

Don’t hesitate to contact [email protected] if you have any questions!

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