Lucky you!

Let’s be honest, Kappa Data will not encrypt your data and ask for a ransom.

The last time Kappa Data asked for money besides your invoices, was for a good Christmas purpose.

What we do, is work with you to help the end user to detect and recognize malicious (phishing) emails.

What we do, is work with you to help the end user to detect
and recognize malicious (phishing) emails.

Find out all about our Phishline (Barracuda SAT) Administrator Training on the button below,
so you can send teasing emails to customers using phishline.

In our portfolio we distinguish two products:

Sophos -
Phish Threat - Phishing Prevention

A very effective and easy to use tool that is totally Central integrated.

Barracuda User Awareness Training - Phishline

A comprehensive and flexible tool with lots of video’s and has USB key awareness.



About Kappa Data